Construct Thanks You For An Incredible Year!

The Result Of All This Effort?

As we prepare to make even greater impacts in 2020, please stand along with us.


  • $20,000 provides 15 students with a 50-hour, 10-day industry-supported Challenge  

  • $6,000 provides a Design Challenge inside a school classroom  

  • $2,000 enables an Oregon Principal to join a School Retool cohort and accelerate transformation on their campus 

The vision of all that Oregon education can be is shifting.

Our year ahead includes supporting a catalyzed Oregon City district in their work to reach the next level for creating a culture of innovation in their schools. Be a part of our efforts in 2020 and help unleash the potential of all our educators and students. Construct provides the tools and opportunities for real change to stick and removes the barriers to participation in transformation. You make that possible. Thank you!

“When we should be educating our students to be bold problem solvers, we’re pushing them to memorize and regurgitate.

They’ll be entering an economy where their best job opportunity will be the job they can create.”

— Ted Dintersmith, What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers across America


GEEK OUT - HANG OUT - MESS AROUND with Construct, at COSA’s Innovate20


The Future Of Oregon Transportation: A Six-School, Eight-Month Challenge For Oregon Middle Schools