Frequently Asked Questions
About the Design Challenge
Q: What is a Design Challenge?
A: A design challenge is a problem-based learning experience that allows teams to use the design process to uncover new insights, opportunities and solutions. Teams utilize empathy, brainstorming, prototyping, and testing to develop new and novel concepts. Each design challenge begins with a big messy problem and ends with a showcase of solution concepts, often called “pitch day.” This particular KATU Innovation Challenge includes the potential for finalist recognition and awards.
Q: Who is sponsoring the challenge, and why?
A: Five co-sponsors have come together to help young people tap into their full potential for creative problem-solving and to spark interest and inclusion in STEM-related subject areas. The sponsors include: Portland General Electric, First Tech Federal Credit Union, Daimler Truck North America, KATU/AM Northwest and Construct, an education nonprofit who designs and facilitates industry supported student-led design challenges.
Q: Who can participate and how do they find out about this challenge?
A: Any middle or high school student team of up to 4 from Oregon and SW Washington can participate. Students from backgrounds currently underrepresented in STEM fields are encouraged to participate.
Q: Is there any in-person requirement or is the entire challenge online?
A: This entire challenge is set-up to be provided online www.katu.com/innovation and can be done on your own time (asynchronous). Live, optional 1:1 coaching will be available for registered teams who sign up (Coaching by Construct Coach Erin Bray).
Q: Can I expect to receive updates about the challenge along the way? If so, when/how?
A: Once you sign up, you’ll be able to receive regular updates to the email address you submitted in your registration form for the duration of the challenge. Your contact information remains confidential and will not be shared or used for any other purpose than this challenge. All challenge information will be available at www.katu.com/innovation
Sign-up & Participation
Q: Do we need an adult mentor in order to sign up?
A: Mentorship/advising is not required to participate but it is recommended. You can submit as an individual student, team (2-4 students recommended), or as a teacher/parent/advisor you can run this design challenge with your students and encourage them to submit their innovations as teams (one submission per team is allowed).
Q: What are the qualifications to sign up?
A: The only qualifications needed to sign up is that your “team” is made up of one to four students from Oregon and SW Washington. Students from backgrounds currently underrepresented in STEM fields are encouraged to participate. Visit Official rules at: www.constructlearns.org/katuinnovation-officialrules
Q: Do I need a team to sign up? If so, what is an ideal size for a team?
A: You do not need a team to sign up, individual submissions will be accepted. However, we do recommend teams of 2-4 students to support the collaborative innovation process - Any “team” of one to four middle or high school students in Oregon and SW Washington may sign up.
Q: What if some team members are attending middle school and others are currently in high school?
A: If a team is comprised of both middle schoolers and high school students, please be aware that your final project submission will be judged in the middle school competition category. Teams with students under 13 years old will need parent/guardian approval prior to registering.
Q: Do I need to be enrolled in school to participate?
A: Yes, in order to be eligible for the KATU Innovation Challenge, you need to be a registered middle school or high school student in Oregon or SW Washington. (For eligibility questions, please review the Official Rules: www.constructlearns.org/katuinnovation-officialrules
Q: Should/must I notify my school or a teacher that I am participating in this challenge?
A: While there is no requirement to notify your school, we hope you’ll reach out to a teacher or principal to let them know about your participation!
Q: Will all activities be virtual? Are there any in-person requirements?
A: Yes, every part of this challenge can be done online, or in a virtual setting. There are no in-person events or requirements.
Q: Does it cost anything to participate?
A: No, there is no cost to participate.
Q: What materials/supplies/resources will I need?
A: You will need access to a computer with internet access to register and download challenge materials. Google forms and docs, with optional video portion, will be used to compile your final submission.
Q: Does this program count for academic credit?
A: No. While the challenge does not count for academic credit, let your teacher(s) or principal know you are participating!
Judging & Final Submission
Q: Is there anything that could disqualify me, my team, or my project?
A: Your final submission idea and content (wording and presentation) must be your team’s own, original content. Submission content must be in good taste and on-topic (no obscene, offensive, derogatory, illegal, or hateful submissions allowed). If you have participated in a previous Construct-led design challenge you cannot submit the same concept, you must submit a new concept. Official rules here: www.constructlearns.org/katuinnovation-officialrules. The cost to make the Team’s prototype may not exceed $100.
Q: Who will do the judging and what is the judging criteria?
A: A representative from each sponsoring organization will be part of the judging process. Your final project will be judged for: innovation process, solution desirability, impact, and communication. Review the judging criteria here: www.constructlearns.org/katuinnovation-submissiondetails-judgingcriteria
Q: What if we miss a deadline? Or, what if a technical challenge prevents us from submitting our project on time?
A: Registration for the KATU Innovation Challenge will be accepted anytime between February 1st and March 31st, 2022, however the submission deadline of April 8th, 2022 is a final deadline. Please allow extra time for any technical difficulties to be resolved. Please see official rules for more details: www.constructlearns.org/katuinnovation-officialrules
Other Questions
Q: How can I ask a question not already covered in this FAQ?
A: If your question is not already answered in this FAQ, please email: katuinnovation@constructlearns.org